
My name is Bonnie Zieman and I’m Original Art Studio‘s artist/designer.

Since retiring, I have dabbled in several forms of mixed media art, the main one being abstract paintings on large canvases (using acrylic paint and some collage elements). As an amateur photographer I learned the ins and outs of Photoshop and love to create digital art and textures using my photographs. I have a huge stash of my digital art, textures, and backgrounds made over the last several years. Until a few months ago they lay dormant in my files … and then I discovered junk journaling!

Upon deciding that I would like to hand-craft and write a personal journal for each of my children and grandchildren, I began to watch YouTube videos of amazing artisans who not only hand-crafted beautiful journals but who also designed the pages they used in their journals. A light bulb went off in my head as I realized this heretofore unknown to me “junk journal” art form involved many of my existing interests and skills – and could be an incredible way to use my stash of original digital art.

So for the past several months I have been quietly designing journal pages and themed collections that can be used in handmade journals. This website is to showcase the collections/kits I have created for that purpose.

On a personal note, I live with my husband on a pretty woodland property bordered by a meandering mountain stream, about thirty miles outside of Montreal, Quebec. I am inspired every day by the beauty that surrounds us. Having had to learn the language when I moved to this French-speaking province of Canada, I often include French script in the journal pages I create.

The physical journals that will occasionally come up for sale here use my own digital pages and collections. They are done, of course, in my own style which is more ‘zen’ than some, leaving as much room as possible for the art and words of the person who purchases the journal. However, if you have no interest in further embellishing your purchase be assured that each hand-crafted journal is beautiful as is!

Below is an image that illustrates how empowered and ready to take on the next challenge I feel after a great session of painting, making actual journals, or of creating digital pages for your journals. I’m sure many of you can relate.

Yes! I immerse myself in my artistic projects and often emerge covered in paint, pieces of paper, patches of glue, snippets of thread and lace — but always feeling primed, strengthened, invigorated and ready for more. So — to hold on to that feeling I will continue designing and hope you will check in here often to see the new collections and one-of-a-kind journals created just for you.

Thank you so much for your interest! Bonnie